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RESCUE project! is a collective that was born, in 2019, to experiment with different formats that allow the existence of an encounter.

What defines our actions is the sharing of intimate and quality acts in places where artistic and human expression appears to be a problem. The group bases its artistic practice on the transformative potential of art in the territory in which it operates. More specifically, the research questions the “quality of an authentic encounter”, a place where everyone can find value for themselves and for the community.
The project elaborates his thinking during the confinement of 2020: going to the street, walking and exploring the transformative abilities of art in human relationships was an important step to reconnect with the public space by starting a reflection on presence and encounter.

With our projects we seek a different way of being in contact with the territory and the community through a Territorial Artist capable of paying attention to what seems to no longer be of importance, capable of redeeming by restoring value to the encounter, especially that between cultures, between artists and citizens. We do not turn to real spectators but to "participants" to whom we ask for a level of human compromise and a
  out of the ordinary. 


FIRST STONE OF THE PROJECT a performance: "La Rotta del Cibo" - created by the actor and musician Vicente Cabrera together with the Ass. Eco dalle Città (RePoPP) - Association that since 2017 has given life to the project against food waste and the recovery-enhancement-distribution of surplus food in Turin in the Porta Palazzo market. The performance borrows the values of RePoPP to develop an artistic methodology against “experiential waste”. 

Over time, in 2020 thanks to the meeting between Vicente Cabrera and other artists, like him who immigrated to the city of Turin, the RESCUE! it becomes more ambitious by becoming a mutual support network between artists and between urban realities. RESCUE! it is a space where you can find practical answers about waste and redemption thanks to art and its discipline.


"Search, collect, distinguish, arrange, donate".

"The word recovery - rescue also means redemption, unsold fruit and vegetables but also stories, songs, tales of the people who work  encouraging an eco-friendly artistic exchange. "


CAMILLA SANDRI BELLEZZA (33 years old - Italy) is an actress, mover and performer.  In 2012 he graduated from the school of the Teatro Stabile of Turin and graduated in Literature at the Univ. Of Bologna. He integrates his training in contemporary dance and theater, among others, with: Oskaras Korsunovas, Baro D'Evel Cirk Cie, Marie Chouinard, Cindy Van Acker, Raffaella Giordano, Roberto Latini.  He is currently president of the Cultural Association. Il Menù della Poesia and RESCUE Project coordinator! He has been working in the theater since 2012 with Valter Malosti, Alba Porto, Piccola Compagnia della Magnolia, Alberto Oliva collaborating among others with Teatro Stabile di Torino, TPE Teatro Piemonte Europa and Teatro Franco Parenti. She sings and plays in the South American Erotic duo.


VICENTE CABRERA (28 years old - Chile) is an actor, musician, singer and baker.  Actor graduated from the U. Arcis in Santiago de Chile. From 2010 to 2017 he worked as an actor with various theater companies in Santiago and Valparaíso. With PPProject he is assistant in Encuentros Fronterizos, meetings of performative practices and theories on the Simplicity and Craftsmanship of the Actor in Chile, Italy and Poland. He studied with Ariane Mnouchkine in the Escuela Nomade ('15), Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski & Thomas Richards ('17) and in the LUPA of Domenico Castaldo's Permanent Laboratory ('18 -'19). In 2018 he moved to Turin to work on the Looking for Common Roots project with actress and director Katia Capato, where he created 'FERMENTO (18') and 'GRECI-Cu Radacini de Granit' (19 '), a show-concert created with a Romanian community in Turin.


BABARA YATTARA (31 years old - Guinea-Conakry) is musician and singer, Griot.  Son of art, since the age of 6 he has been studying traditional African music. His first instrument is the Gongoma: harmonic and percussion instrument. Together with the study of percussion instruments (Djembe, Dun-dun, Sangban, Borleyi among others), and strings (Kora, N'goni, Kamele N'goni), he developed his art mainly in the songs of the "Griot" tradition and in the study of traditional rhythms including Garangedo, Kandia-soli, Yankadi, Yolé.
In 2018 he moved to Turin. He worked in Europe as a singing and drum teacher (in Milan, Rome, Luxembourg and Berlin)
It is currently part of the RESCUE Project! -support network for non-EU artists- where he collaborates as a musician, theatrical composer and drum and singing teacher of the African tradition.

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ELENA CASOTTO (34 years old - Italy) is an actress, dancer and performer. She works as a creator, author, actress, equilibrist and clown in contemporary circus and theater shows throughout Europe. He has worked with The Lost in Translation Circus, an international contemporary circus company presenting shows in the most renowned stages of the United Kingdom. Elena taught clown workshops at the National Center for Circus Arts in London where she graduated in 2014. She previously graduated from the Nouveau Cirque course at the Bologna School of Theater Alessandra Galante Garrone (2011 ) and in the same year she graduated in Film Critics at the University of Bologna. In 2016 she was selected as Physical performer / Clown by the prestigious Cirque Du Soleil company. He lives in London for 10 years and returns to Italy, to Turin, to found in  2021 Rescue Project Association! He currently lives in Turin collaborating with the RESCUE Project! and with the circus school Flic.

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SARA LOI (30 years old- Italy) has been interested in the world of art in all its creative and expressive forms since she was a child, studying jewelery and fashion and costume. She specializes in Milan in Eco-design, Visual merchandising and Graphic design at NABA. Passionate about theater in Milan, she studies performing arts and exhibits her paintings in social contexts. Nomad by nature, in 2020 she moved to Turin to complete her studies with the professionalizing MASTER for actors at LUPA led by Domenico Castaldo.

In 2021 she meets the Progetto RESCUE!, of which he is now an integral part, participating in the creation of The Participatory Practice The barrier of creativity. He lives in Turin where she continues to create projects and artistic collaborations in the public space.

Her poetry is a journey to discover being, even if it is impossible to label its precise connotations.


LEBRICOLEUR MDGNIUS (30 years old - Mauritania / Cameroon) is a writer, sha'aer.  He prefers to remain anonymous.



SILVIA VENTURINI (47 years old, Italy) actress and trainer. Graduated in Communication Sciences in Turin, she trained artistically in Paris where she lived and worked from 1998 to 2008, developing a rather eclectic theatrical and performative practice. Since 2003, in particular thanks to the meeting with the Uruguayan artist Luìs Pasina and the artistic collective of the Théâtre de Verre, he has dedicated himself to the creation of participatory performances, a research which he also continues in Toulouse with some artists of MixArt Myrys.

In Italy he studied and worked with the Cantieri Teatrali Koreja and with Chiara Guidi of the Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, to then resume his individual artistic research through the creation of some shows and the conducting of workshops in schools and associative contexts.

After a break linked to motherhood, she resumed training with Raffaella Giordano, Doriana Crema, Aldo Rendina and with Claude Coldy (multi-year training in Sensitive Dance). 

Since 2021 it has been an integral part of Project RESCUE!

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ELENA CASOTTO (34 years old - Italy) is an actress, dancer and performer. She works as a creator, author, actress, equilibrist and clown in contemporary circus and theater shows throughout Europe. He has worked with The Lost in Translation Circus, an international contemporary circus company presenting shows in the most renowned stages of the United Kingdom. Elena taught clown workshops at the National Center for Circus Arts in London where she graduated in 2014. She previously graduated from the Nouveau Cirque course at the Bologna School of Theater Alessandra Galante Garrone (2011 ) and in the same year she graduated in Film Critics at the University of Bologna. In 2016 she was selected as Physical performer / Clown by the prestigious Cirque Du Soleil company. He lives in London for 10 years and returns to Italy, to Turin, to found in  2021 Rescue Project Association! He currently lives in Turin collaborating with the RESCUE Project! and with the circus school Flic.


SARA LOI (30 years old- Italy) has been interested in the world of art in all its creative and expressive forms since she was a child, studying jewelery and fashion and costume. She specializes in Milan in Eco-design, Visual merchandising and Graphic design at NABA. Passionate about theater in Milan, she studies performing arts and exhibits her paintings in social contexts. Nomad by nature, in 2020 she moved to Turin to complete her studies with the professionalizing MASTER for actors at LUPA led by Domenico Castaldo.

In 2021 she meets the Progetto RESCUE!, of which he is now an integral part, participating in the creation of The Participatory Practice The barrier of creativity. He lives in Turin where she continues to create projects and artistic collaborations in the public space.

Her poetry is a journey to discover being, even if it is impossible to label its precise connotations.


MARTÍN GASPAR COTTET PALMA (Cile 1991). Artista musicale, chitarrista, compositore, arrangiatore e scrittore dedicato allo sviluppo di residenze artistiche rigenerative. Ricercatore dell'arte come strumento sociale per collegare le comunità alla “società civile” e alla partecipazione politica.
Arrangiatore e compositore di musica per teatro, danza, performance e gruppi musicali.


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